(Spoiler alert) Seemingly innocent looking and an ordinary evening, if you say constant cruising by phone is ordinary, the subject matter, a young creep following and filming from bushes and in cracks of windows, is unpleasant. If I am interpreting the final climatic shots correctly then the stalker, or the peeping-tom, the psychology of which type is generally thought to be socially inadequate, a pathological isolate, etc, behaves in a totally uncharacteristic and admirably heroic manner. I didn't believe it for a second, The reality is, someone who is that disconnected from society, I'm afraid to say, is far more likely to remain a prurient witness and continue filming rather than reveal his presence and effect a superb rescue, plus for good measure, administering swift justice on the perpetrator. But it makes a nice, fairy tale ending. Irritating, very, because the previous fifteen minutes has been filmed entirely realistically.
Peter Saddler
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Aug 24 at 08:28 AM
Idiotically compelling! And I whole-heartedly echo the words of TK below, written In Greek? of which I can't read a syllable. I hope it's not insulting.Â